Bipolar & Mania Disorder Treatment

The type and length of bipolar and mania disorder treatment will depend on your personal circumstances and the severity of the condition. Bipolar disorder treatment helps to gain control and manage symptoms related to bipolar disorder. Bipolar treatment involves mainly medications, of which there are many and many  treatment combinations, necessitating expert input. If there is an underlying physical or other mental health condition, then these will also need to be addressed.

Bipolar mania treatment will generally entail medications. Medication is an important aspect of bipolar disorder treatment. Medications typically used for bipolar mania disorder include mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants. These are prescribed to prevent episodes of mania, hypomania and depression

bipolar disorder treatment

Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Medication with psychological therapy has been found to be effective in the long term treatment of bipolar disorder. Therapy should be undertaken from the outset as not only is it a vital area of bipolar disorder treatment, it is a viable asset during the period when you are trying different medications to find the one which works best for you.


Bipolar Treatment

Psychological therapy is also an important part of bipolar disorder treatment. Talk therapy, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, can help to provide support, education and guidance to the individual and the families. Cognitive behavioural therapy can help a person cope with bipolar mania disorder symptoms and learn to recognise when a mood shift is about to occur.

Mania Treatment

Using CBT, you will work with your therapist to identify triggers, manage stress, and learn coping skills. CBT can also help someone with mania disorder stick to a mania treatment plan to reduce the chances of relapse.

If you need to be assessed for bipolar disorder, the first step would be to see an Auckland Psychiatrist for an assessment. Get in touch with us on 0212416007 today and talk to us about your mental health issues.

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression, is a condition that can affect your mood, making it swing from one extreme to another. If you are suffering from bipolar disorder you have episodes of depression during which you feel low and lethargic alternating with episodes of mania during which you feel high and overactive. Symptoms of bipolar disorder depend on which mood you experience at the time. Unlike mood swings, in bipolar disorder, each mood can last for several weeks with some people not often experiencing a ‘normal’ or ordinary mood.

Symptoms of depressed phase:

Depressed mood or despondency

Uncontrollable crying


Loss of interest or enjoyment in activities

Withdrawal from family and friends

Excessive guilt

Symptoms of manic phase:

Elevated mood

Increased energy

Unusual talkativeness

Racing thoughts

Little need for sleep

Inflated self-esteem

Spending sprees

Marked irritability

Auckland Psychiatrist Approach to Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can be effectively treated, but there is always a chance it will reoccur. That is why at Auckland Psychiatrist, we encourage our patients to practice ongoing awareness, and we are always available should they need any further help.

The major goals of treatment are to:

  • Treat and reduce the severity of acute episodes of mania or depression when they occur

  • Reduce the frequency of episodes

  • Avoid cycling from one phase to another

  • Improve the patient’s overall quality of life

mania disorder Treatment

An important aspect of treatment is to determine what might have triggered a bipolar episode and work at minimising its negative impact. We work with our patients to identify key emotional or social triggers and anything that might interfere with the treatments prescribed.

If you would like to talk to someone about Bipolar Disorder Mania treatment and help in Auckland, please get in touch with us at Auckland Psychiatrist by telephone at 0212416007 or book online to arrange an appointment.