Depression Treatment

It’s normal for everyone to feel sad or upset from time-to-time, but if these feelings are intense, persistent or are affecting your quality of life, you may be suffering from clinical depression. Seeking help and support for depression can be daunting, but it really is the most important step you can take. At Auckland Psychiatrist, we can provide the best depression treatment. We can deliver bespoke depression treatment programmes, personalised according to your unique needs.

A combination of antidepressant medication and psychological therapy is most effective for depression treatment. Cognitive-behavioural therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy are the most effective therapeutic approaches for depression treatment. If you are interested in exploring the underlying causes of your depressive symptoms, cognitive analytic therapy could also be helpful

Depression Treatment

Depression Treatment

It can be difficult to identify when you are suffering from depression because the condition lowers self-esteem and feelings of confidence in your own judgment. Ironically, you may be more likely to think you’re making a fuss about nothing at a time when you most need help. But with depression, feelings of sadness are persistent, draining, unhelpful, and most importantly, not your fault.

Our Process

At Auckland Psychiatrist, we have extensive training in the depression assessment and depression treatment and can prescribe depression medication to our patients in NZ. We recommend you book an appointment with one of our Auckland psychiatrists as the first step in your depression assessment.


Depression Medication

Depression medication is available in NZ to treat patients with severe depression. There are different families of antidepressants that treat depression, anxiety and related mental conditions. In recent years, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have become widely used as depression medication in NZ. These drugs work to help keep serotonin in your system for longer, regulating the feel-good chemicals in the brain. Many patients report favourable results with SSRI depression medication in NZ.

Bipolar Depression Treatment

Depression can be categorised into different types of the disorder based on the symptoms you are experiencing. Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression, includes episodes of intense depression, or mania, interspersed with periods of extreme happiness or undue irritability. Bipolar Disorder can result in self-destructive behaviours, and feelings of euphoria that others around you may not understand, which can affect your relationships.


Depression Medication NZ

It’s always important to have a thorough depression assessment initially so that you can be certain about the diagnosis is and plan the treatment that’s going to be right for you. Our psychiatrists will work closely with you to understand your difficulties, the root cause of your condition and to provide you with the necessary tools to move forward and lead a happy, fulfilled life.

Bipolar Depression Treatment

Bipolar depression treatment usually involves the use of mood stabilising medication with judicious use of antidepressant medication. Adjunctive psychotherapy can help you to learn to monitor your mood and learn strategies for helping you manage symptoms of depression.

Depression Assessment and Medication in New Zealand

If you or someone you know is suffering from a depressive disorder, book an appointment with one of our psychiatrists. Our skilled practitioners treat all kinds of depressive illnesses. We will do everything possible to help you recover and enjoy the best life has to offer. Call us now on 0212416007 or send an online inquiry via our website.

As such, antidepressant medications are shown to work better long-term in conjunction with psychotherapy than as a sole solution.

Depression Treatment

If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, know that help is just a phone call away. Get in touch with our highly experienced and  compassionate psychiatrists  on 0212416007, and take the first step towards a healthier, happier life.